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I think that movies are a beautiful art form that can take us away into other worlds and other hearts and minds and create something magical.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Veronica Mars (The Movie) (2014)

Veronica Mars Movie Poster

I will try and keep my spoilers to a minimum here, I'll give warnings. That being said, I'm a big Veronica Mars fan. I grew up reading Nancy Drew books and about two years ago I discovered this TV show. It's crime solving, witty, well-written, fun, and just all around great. The first season, marvelous. The second season, pretty good. The third season, eh it was okay. The strong characters are what really carried this for me. So I'm sure you've read about it online but this is the first film to be fully funded using a Kickstarter. It was a great idea. You can tell because of all the bandwagoning.

Veronica Back in Action Taking Photos
This film is made for the fans, which is how it should be. It's not out there trying to be an Oscar contender. It's made because there were thousands of fans of this show years after it's airing was cut short and I love that it was made, released in theaters, and a sort of relief for fans like myself to know the answer of the question: Do Veronica and Logan finally get together, for real?

Logan meets Veronica at the Airport

I think something I love about this TV show is how much of a family the cast is together. I mean just look at them:
Series Creator and Movie Director Rob Thomas with the Cast

The movie is basically a TV Movie that was popular enough to be released in theaters (think High School Musical 3... yes I did see that in theaters, thank you very much. No I'm not ashamed of it.) It's fun and exciting to see all of your favorite characters back together for Neptune High's 10-Year Reunion (which there wasn't enough scenes of in my opinion). The film started with a typical Veronica Mars voiceover, catching up the new audiences and reminding the old about the generalities of what happened in the TV show.

When I watch something I like to think about what motivates the characters actions, I ask the question "Why are they the way they are?". This series and particularly this movie does a good job of addressing that question. Can Veronica simply forget about her life as a P.I., something she is "addicted to" and good at? This is the idea behind the movie. Those who watched the show will remember the devastating (too harsh?)... upsetting series finale where Veronica's choices had high costs to those she cared about, specifically her father. But don't worry, their relationship is as good as ever in the movie. 

Veronica and Keith Mars

 The film is full of winks and nods to the shows fans, lines of dialogue, old characters like Celeste Kane popping up, and other fun things. There is suspense and intrigue. I went with my mom to see this movie and at one point she grabbed my hand in shock during a highly suspenseful scene.

I will mention something that is potentially a *Spoiler*. I didn't like how Veronica handled things with Piz. I won't go into to detail as to not give much away but it wasn't something that I felt was a great attribute to her character in the movie. She brushed him off in a rude way and seemed to feel no remorse or upset afterwards and it's never brought up again. This is after the beginning of the film has set up that they are in a serious committed relationship....

Veronica and Piz

I enjoyed seeing this movie, it was fun and as a big fan of the show was a nice way to continue the story. I say continue because the film is left open ended for sequels. For fans of the show I say go see this movie or rent it on VOD. If you haven't seen the show, it's worth watching Kristen Bell is great and the show is wonderful.

The movie currently at a 75% on Rotten Tomatoes

Veronica, Wallace and Mac

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