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I think that movies are a beautiful art form that can take us away into other worlds and other hearts and minds and create something magical.

Monday, March 17, 2014

The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)

...Or as I like to think of it: A visually stunning movie that was practically scrumptious enough to eat.

The Grand Budapest Hotel Movie Poster

I have a deep love for unique movie posters. I have a Pinterest board dedicated to some of my favorite ones... check it out HERE. The poster for this was enough to interest me in seeing the film. I saw Ralph Fiennes, who plays M. Gustave, on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon showing a clip of the movie and had completely decided to see this.

Ralph Fiennes as M. Gustave H

This film was great, Jude Law narrates, which is always a plus in my book, the cast is in great form, I was pleasantly surprised with how quick and witty Fiennes' comedic timing was. Visually, this movie stands out as a great piece of art.

Jason Schwartzman as M. Jean and Jude Law as The Young Writer

The story line comes second to the cinematography but it's still worthwhile. I loved the layered stories and each character was unique enough to not be confused with such a big cast. I suppose it helps that most of the faces are recognizable on their own. Oh how I do love Edward Norton.

Edward Norton as Henckles

There's lots of great actors who show up in the film. I mean, come on, who doesn't love Jeff Goldblum? I loved the astounding wide shots that were almost like a character themselves in the movie. I tip my hat to Anderson who created such unique and clever shots. 

Jeff Goldblum as Deputy Kovacs
I loved the performance by Tony Revolori, especially the bit with the mustache, every male in the film has a mustache. I love little details like that in a film.

Tony Revolori as Zero

The audience I saw it with, in a packed theater on a Friday night, was laughing the entire time. There was some applause as the credits appeared at the end (usually a rarity now-a-days), and many people stayed during the credits.

This one is definitely worth seeing. It's beautiful and lovely. 

It is currently at 91% on Rotten Tomatoes

1 comment:

  1. I need to see this movie soon! But gotta see the Muppets first!
