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I think that movies are a beautiful art form that can take us away into other worlds and other hearts and minds and create something magical.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Guilty Pleasure Series #4: Frozen and Enchanted

It's time for another addition to my Guilty Pleasure Series! Check out my previous guilty pleasure movie posts: #1 Mean Girls and Rat Race, #2 Ben Stiller movies and #3 Cadet Kelly and Wild Child. This time I chose 2 Disney movies that might not seem very similar at first but let's take a closer look...

FROZEN (2013)

Frozen movie poster
(SPOILERS) In case for some reason you live in a cave and didn't hear of this giant movie, it's about two sister Anna and Elsa whose parents have died. Elsa has ice powers and Anna knows nothing about it because Elsa closes herself off due to her dangerous powers. Anna meets Hans at Elsa's coronation and they decide to get married and tell Elsa who gets mad and loses control of her powers, runs away, sets off an eternal winter, etc. Anna goes to find her and meets Kristoff and Sven and they help her find Elsa. They come across Olaf who Elsa created and is a living being. That part gets glossed over. She literally created a living thing.... anyway they find her and she wants nothing to do with them and she strikes Anna in the heart with her magic and Kristoff takes her to the creepy trolls who say she needs an act of true love to cure her. Hans and team go to hunt down Elsa and manage to capture her. She escapes but Hans tells her that Anna is dead when really Anna is just freezing to death until Olaf helps her. Hans has revealed himself to be the bad guy, wanting to take over their kingdom because he'll never get one of his own. He leaves Anna for dead because he is not her "true love" so he doesn't kiss her. Olaf helps Anna to realize that Kristoff is her actual true love so she runs to find him to cure her frozen heart. Then she sees Hans about to kill Elsa so she goes to stop him and is then frozen solid. However, her act of bravery was an act of true love for her sister so Anna becomes unfrozen. Elsa also realizes that love can unfreeze all her winter mess. Anna and Kristoff kiss and all is happy ever after. 

Kristoff, Olaf and Anna

So overall, not a bad storyline and the music of course is great. Still some classic Disney tropes like losing a parent or in this case both and a young girl being locked up is pretty ignorant about the world. It's at 89% on Rotten Tomatoes.


Enchanted movie poster

(SPOILERS) Enchanted is a unique story in the Disney cannon because it begins in the animated world then transition to live action for the majority of the movie. The idea is that it takes the classic Disney story and flips it. Giselle is a daydreaming girl in a tower who fantasizes about her prince coming to rescue her. Prince Edward comes along and battles a troll to save her and claims that they will be married in the morning. As Giselle is on her way to her wedding an old woman tricks her and she falls down a well and into the real world, specifically New York City. The old woman is actually Prince Edward's mother who doesn't want to lose her crown by having her son married off to some girl. Giselle wanders around Times Square until Robert and his daughter Morgan find Giselle and are kind enough to help her and let her stay in their fancy rich New York apartment. Giselle and Robert get to know each other as she is waiting for Edward to come and rescue her and bring her back home. Edward makes his way to New York with the help of Giselle's chipmunk friend Pip and they search for her while the Queen's lackey, Nathaniel tries to get Giselle to eat a poisonous apple in various forms (candy apple, apple martini, etc.). Robert tells Giselle that he is planning on proposing to Nancy, his long time girlfriend but she seems constantly upset with him for some reason or another. Towards the end of the movie once Edward finally finds Giselle she is somewhat changed. She doesn't sing all the time, she's experienced emotions other than happiness and she asks Edward to go on a date so they can get to know each other. Giselle doesn't seem as smitten with Edward anymore and they go to a ball before they leave. Robert and Nancy are there and Robert and Giselle dance together while Edward and Nancy watch them. They are clearly in love but both with different people. The Queen manages to interrupt the ball as Giselle is leaving with Edward and she finally agrees to eat the apple. Giselle falls into a deep sleep and the Queen tells Edward and Robert that she will be dead by midnight. Robert suggests true love's kiss and Edward steps up to kiss her but nothing happens. Then Edward tells Robert he should try and he does and it works. Giselle wakes up and tells Robert that she knew it was him all along. Then the Queen turns into a giant cheesy talking dragon and takes Robert as his damsel in distress and Giselle must save him. She does and they all live happily ever after and Nancy and Edward go back together and get married. Giselle starts a fashion line and stays in New York with Robert and Morgan.

The Queen and Edward

It's definitely a cute film that comments on women characters saving themselves and being strong, which I really enjoy. The cast is well assembled and Amy Adams does a great job going from bumbling love sick princess to a grounded and realistic heroine who fights for herself and what she wants. It has a 93% on Rotten Tomatoes.

I chose Frozen and Enchanted because I noticed a few similarities between the two and while technically neither of these movies are "Guilty Pleasures" they're aimed at a younger audience so I'm just going to say that qualifies in my book. Like the photo above says, Enchanted also commented that the first guy isn't always the right guy. Both films show strong women who save themselves and don't need the men to rescue them. These musicals both have helpful sidekicks with Pip and Olaf/Sven who help the heroine and care about her above all else. 

Our red headed heroine is called out by the man who is not her fiance (but she spends most of the movie with and gets to know him and connect with him) tells her that her she's crazy for marrying a man after only knowing him for a day. 

She also has to pick between two men and doesn't realize until the end of the movie that the one she actually got to know is the one who she's care about more (Go figure!). Also, Hans is evil so there wasn't that much of a choice in Frozen...

Prince Hans
Prince Edward


P.S. I love that shot of Kristoff racing to get to Anna and save her from being frozen because he realizes that he loves her. Those are just a few similarities between Enchanted and Frozen, which are both excellent movies. Did you notice any other similarities between these movies? COMMENT BELOW!